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Daily Life &


"We offer a range of stimulating activities that focus on each residents hobbies and interests"

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Daily Life & Activities

Private Residential Care Home, Woodside Park, North London

Because an active life is vital to health and wellbeing, it is vital to ensure that every resident at Catherine Lodge has the opportunity to get involved in range of stimulating activities everyday of the week.

Making people feel special

We have a full time activity co-ordinator who is responsible for a weekly schedule of events that residents can choose to get involved in. Typical activities at Catherine Lodge include morning exercises to music after breakfast, a daily news quiz followed in the afternoon with activities such as darts, skittles, scrabble and visits from local entertainers. Our home has strong links with the local community and you’ll often see children from the surrounding schools popping in to spend time with the residents.

Every Saturday we hold a concert for residents followed by afternoon tea and cakes. Sunday is a family day when many residents enjoy visits from loved ones.

Meet the staff